The Learning Kits are all made using the same core components, and will function for years without trouble. The units are shipped assembled and ready to go. Single Slice Fuel Cell The Single Slice Fuel Cell is the starting point of both the Basic and Deluxe Learning Kits. The SSFC is made from carbon-graphite plates, a high power PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane), stainless steel hardware and composite endplates. Units are shipped with test data. Hydrogen not included. Price is 69.95 for a fuel cell with around 1/4 watt power output.
Price is 84.95 for a fuel cell with around 1/2 watt power output.
Price is 124.95 for a fuel cell with 1 watt power output. Add an accessory kit for easier operation. 
To see the power output test data for the Single Slice Fuel Cell click here. To see the power curve test data for the Single Slice Fuel Cell click here. To see the operating instructions for the SSFC click here. Basic Fuel Cell Learning Kit The Basic Fuel Cell Learning Kit is a great demo for science fair projects, schools and organizations on a budget. The Basic Kit comes with a single solar panel, KOH (Potassium Hydroxide) electrolyser, fuel cell, fan and mounting base. It shows the conversion of sunlight into electrical power, which splits water into Hydrogen and Oxygen, and uses the Hydrogen and a fuel cell to create electrical energy. The unit is shipped assembled and ready to go, complete instructions are on the web, click on the picture. Electrolyser and fuel cell bench performance test data is included. Price is 299.95 for the Basic Kit with 1/2 watt fuel cell. Price is 339.95 for a Basic Kit with 1 watt fuel cell. To see the operating instructions for the Basic Learning Kit click here. To see the operating parameters of the Basic Learning Kit click here.
The electrolyser is KOH based. KOH is similiar to NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) found in household products such as Red Devil Lye or Drano.
To see the MSDS for KOH click here.
 Deluxe Fuel Cell Learning Kit The Deluxe Fuel Cell Learning Kit comes with 4 solar panels, a KOH electrolyser, a hydrogen storage tower, a machined mounting base and a Single Slice Fuel Cell, along with this, the kit powers a small 4WD model car (stationary display) and a forced air fan. The kit will run the car and fan all day long, even on overcast days, and when the hydrogen storage is full, the unit will run for 10 minutes with no power input. There is only 2-3 ounces of KOH, and the operating pressure is less than 1 PSI. The unit requires a small amount of assembly, and is ready to demonstrate renewable energy in a few minutes. Complete instructions are posted on the web, click on the picture. Electrolyser and fuel cell bench performance test data is included. Every system is tested prior to shipment. Price for the Deluxe Kit with 1 watt fuel cell is 499.95. To see the operating instructions for the Deluxe Learning Kit click here. To see the operating parameters of the Deluxe Kit click here.
The electrolyser is KOH based. KOH is similiar to NaOH found in household products such as Red Devil Lye or Drano.
To see the MSDS for KOH click here.