The Accessory Kit comes with the necessary test tubes, test tube rack, Tygon tubing and small motor. The Deluxe Accessory Kit also comes with a demo membrane. 1. Vinegar at 4 inches, vented to atmosphere. 2. Anti-siphon to keep vinegar from electrolyser. 3. Anti-siphon to keep vinegar from electrolyser. 4. Vinegar at 1 inch to nuetralize KOH and prevent contamination of fuel cell. 5. Anti-siphon to keep water from entering fuel cell. 6. Water 3 inches (distilled, NEVER TAP) to keep backpressure on fuel cell. If a hydrogen bottle is used only test tubes 5 and 6 are needed. If a PEM electrolyser is used test tubes 3 and 4 are not needed, only a single test tube for a water trap is needed. Test tube 1 is filled with water, not vinegar.